Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sad day in Cullowhee

Well, here is my beloved a broken, sad hunk of sheet metal and plastic.....we were rear ended on Aug. 19th.....same day we moved Jeremy to Western Carolina for Freshman year. A young man who was driving behind us was not paying attention and he didn't slow down when all the cars in front of him did.........he slammed into my car at pretty much full speed...not braking until it was too little too late.........needless to say, his Jeep looked worse than my Ford, but we still got totaled.........waiting now for his insurance to to get in touch and make an offer.........It will have to be a very good offer.....I was the victim here and I will not take some little amount just because they think that is the value of my car.
I only had that car for 6mos. and it was my first new car in 18 yrs.....they need to bring there A-game and do right by me.......or we will have to go a few rounds.....I have been practicing my speech! lol

Heeeeere's MACY!!

Ok...if finally happened....we got a dog.....Jeremy has always wanted a dog....and now that he was going to college...we get a dog! I know....a little late, but we won't get technical....we have a dog.
She is a shelter dog....lab mix....and she is 6 mos. old. We found her at the SPCA of Wake County.
She is a pretty good girl, she is a good crate dog......a potty trained dog? not so much! She has an issue with peeing outside........I am not a dog person, so I don't really understand what her issue is, but she will be outside for a hour or so.....come back in the house........and she pees on her puppy pad........I have no idea why! She stopped having accidents on the carpet, so we count that one in the win column! She is smart and very loving.....just a hard head in the personal hygiene area!
She is a lot of company, now that Jeremy is in school......I need to take her outside more, but she is such a challenge on a lease that I just don't...........we will work on that when it is cooler and maybe check into obedience classes.
More later......................